GPU accelerated Kerr metric ray-tracing code
Unstructued Moving Mesh hydrodynamic simulation code
n-body simulation imbeded SUPERBOX
Yonsei Unstructured Moving Mesh Hydrodynamic simulation code
The YUMMy has been developed under the common framework which is available in Windows and Linux system. By sharing the core libraries, which are Voronoi Tessellation algorithms and Unstructured Moving Mesh hydro codes subroutines, the YUMMy is designed with the Graphic User Interface(GUI) in order to enable any user who are not familiar with numerical hydro+gravity simulation to use/understand the YUMMy quickly. In addition to the GUI, coupled with DirectX and GDI+, user enable to see results of simulation produced in the real time. By taking advantage of the DirectX, one also can zoom in/out quickly at the specific meshes to see what's going on there.
Empirically, we thought that it's possible for one who has never meet the YUMMy to run moving mesh hydrodynamics with clicking less than 7 times.