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Simulate, Analize, Visualize, Educate n-body simulation

The SAVE is a n-body simulation code that embeded the engine "SUPERBOX"(Fellhauer, 2000) using particle-mesh scheme for the gravity and Magalie(Boily, 2003) that uses the multiple components such as disk, bulge and halo to build galaxy and plummer distribution for the grobular cluster. The performance is significantly improved a factor of 15 times faster by rewritng in c++ in several subroutines such as "getpxx", which was originally wrote in Fortran. Moreover, the SAVE provide user friendly interface that enables people who have never been familiar with n-body simulation to learn how to simulate quickly.

윤기윤 | Kiyun Yun |

COS2MIC, Dept. of Astronomy, Yonsei Universiy, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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